Our team
Addishiwot Teshome
Monitoring & Evaluation| Africa
Akmaral Sman
Women’s Land Rights Specialist | Asia
Alain Christian Essimi Biloa
Land Governance Specialist
Amanda Rubio
Communications Coordinator | EMENA
Angela Arevalo
Thematic Programme Manager
Annalisa Mauro
Head of Strategy, Network and Knowledge
Anu Verma
Regional Coordinator | Asia
Ashley von Anrep
Lead, Strategic and Corporate Communications
Bahía Flores
Communications Support | Latin America & the Caribbean
Carla Donayre Oropeza
Governance Support & Leadership Development
Claudia Naganoma
Administrative and Logistics Assistant |Latin America & the Caribbean
Cristina Timponi Cambiaghi
Lead, Global Policy & Advocacy
Dennis Keith Omukunde
Communications Coordinator | Africa
Dharm Raj Joshi
Regional Data Lead at ILC Asia
Dina Naguib
WLR, Youth ,Learning, M&E | EMENA
Dr. David Garcia
Coordinator of LandMark
Dunia Mennella
Head of M&E, Accountability and Governance
Elisabetta Cangelosi
Gender Justice Advisor
Elisa Wiener
Programme Manager |Latin America & the Caribbean
Emilia Pontynen
Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant